Here are some answers to common questions.

Plan on a little over $2,100

Here's the Particulars

Tuition/Paces (K-12) $2,050
Praxi Portal              $60
Registration $50
Placement Testing $15

$100 Discount

A discount of $100 is available if one of the following applies:

  • You are a member of Belmont church.
  • You pay the tuition in full prior to the first day of school.


Multiple Children?

In addition to the discount above the Whitney Hunt Pinkerton Scholarship can be of great help for families with multiple children or lower incomes to afford a christian education.


We currently offer several different payment options to try to help accommodate each family’s financial situation.

Those options are:

  • 1 lump sum payment at the beginning of the school year.
  • 2 payments at the beginning of the year and the semester break.
  • 4 quarterly payments throughout the school year.
  • 10 monthly payments throught the school year.

Our mission is to make Christian education reachable for everyone, regardless of your financial situation. It’s for that reason we offer need-based scholarships for those who qualify. The Whitney Hunt-Pinkerton Scholarship Application can be found HERE

Email for more information.